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Public Address Announcer Officials Signals

Lost In Translation

Lost In Translation By Matthew C Wallace Ever feel like you need a Masters in American Sign Language (ASL) in order to interpret the officials’ hand signals?  I do…all the time.   Invariably, every announcer finds themselves in a game of any field sport whereby and for whatever reason, the officiating crew is not rigged with…

Public Address Announcer Baseball Softball Scorebook

Scribble and Speak

Scribble and Speak By Matthew C Wallace Get your forms on, buddy!  Specifically, your announcer forms for scoring a game.  Really?  What’s wrong with just scoring the game in a standard score book?  Nothing if it’s all you have to do.  Announcers have nothing to do at a game, right?  The job is just so easy that…

Public Address Announcer Names

Names Are Everything

Names Are Everything By Matthew C Wallace Civilization’s primary identifiers…NAMES: France, Coca-Cola, Sony, Apple, Tom Cruise, Aztecs, Jupiter.  Our singular memories are pegged with these unique tags for all things we happen to know in the universe.  For me, names seem to land in the 80/20 model of my announcing world.  As a PA announcer, I,…

What Do I Have To Do This


Mistakes By Matthew C Wallace Everyone Makes Them… I have never announced any event or game 100% perfectly.  Never.  Regardless, I expect 100% perfection.  Always.  If expect anything else, I will get even less than that. It is said that you are your #1 critic.  In my case, no one scorns me harder than me.  If I…

Public Address Announcer Warming Up

Warming Up

Warming Up By Matthew C Wallace …and I don’t mean heating up.  I’m, also, not making chicken noodle soup.  No, no.  I mean warming up yourself for an event, game or match.  Before a game, athletes warm up, right?  They stretch.  They run in place.  They perform drills.  They psyche themselves up.  They review things…

Public Address Announcer Silence Man

Sit There and Shut Up

Sit There and Shut Up By Matthew C Wallace PA Announcers, Broadcasters, Scorekeepers, and Spotters are the great observers of events and games.  We plop in a chair with our jobs to do.  We don’t pace sidelines, benches or dugouts.  We don’t argue with officials.  We don’t bounce off of walls on calls we disagree…

Public Address Announcer Fastpitch Softball

I Love Grapefruits

I Love Grapefruits By Matthew C Wallace …with neatly arranged red sprinkles all over them… Over the years, I have found more fun announcing Girl’s/Women’s Fast-Pitch Softball than, I think, any other sport.  The athletes are absolutely as competitive as Boy’s/Men’s Baseball but, for me, they are more enjoyable to watch, primarily, because they are visibly…